This is where I'll put videos and gifs. In the meantime, visit my Youtube page! | ||
"Það besta sem ég hef séð(e. The Best Thing I've Ever Seen)" An animation I did in late 2018 for a 2d animation course at Reykjavík Academy of Digital Entertainment. It's about when I was waiting for a bus in Hafnarfjörður in 2010, and saw an interesting sight. Fall 2018. |
"Rass&rófur(e. Butts&Tails)" 2d puppet animation. 3rd semester final project at Reykjavík Academy of Digital Entertainment. Based on a dumb comic I did months prior this. Fall 2018. |
"Trilla og kökudeigið(e. Bunchy and the Cookie Dough)" 4th and final semester graduation project at Reykjavík Academy of Digital Entertainment. Based on a chapter from Bunchy by Joyce Lankester Brisley. Spring 2019. |
And some gifs I've made! | ||
care bears |
eevee |
pizza |